I have to admit I am not the best with keeping up with absences and make up work. I've determined it's probably due to a lack of a system and having 125+ students. Over the past eight years I've tried several things, but nothing has stuck.
With the new novel we're reading, it is imperative students keep up with reading and assigned work...even if they are out. So I've come up with something new and I have to say, to my surprise and excitement, it is working fabulously!
How I have kept ahead of student absences...
1. I printed off a colorful student roster sheet for each class. {
You can get a free printable here!} and put them on a clipboard.
2. I assigned every student a number {so elementary school of me} that correlates to the number of their classroom novel. As the students walk into the door, they grab their book, go to their seat, and start on the bell ringer.
3. As they are writing down their question of the day and getting out their homework, I grab my clipboard and walk over to where I keep the novels. Whatever books are left in the baskets are the students who are absent that day. I just write a little AB next to their name and move on with the lesson. It's so easy and takes a few seconds.
4. At the end of the day I fill out the absence form {
you can get it here}, attach any sheets they need {copy of notes, homework, powerpoints} and stick it in my cute classroom folders.
5. When the students come back to school, they grab their sheets out of their class folder {I have mine labeled with their class color}. If there is any reading they need to do as soon at they return, I have them read instead of doing the bellringer and vocabulary portion of the class...I note this on their assignment sheet.
Like I said, it has worked great!! I think the major thing for me was finding a system that flowed with how my class runs, being consistent, and training students to get their make up work from the folder {middle schoolers tend to need several reminders!}
What about you....how do you keep up with student absences & make up work?
Happy teaching,