Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Organized Middle School Classroom: a 7 day Guide

When I first started teaching, I really did not have procedures and established expectations in place.  I found myself getting frustrated easily, yelling, and losing precious class time to crazy and chaotic transitions.

 In order to keep sane, I knew something needed to change.  Since students NEED predictability and consistency in order to succeed, I came up with 6 daily procedures.

These procedures have completely changed the climate in my classroom.  Students know what's expected and specifically how to meet those expectations. There is no more yelling, no more frustration, and no more disciple problems (I only had 2 discipline referrals last year!)

The Procedures that Changed my Classroom
1. Bellringers
2. Daily Agenda on the Board
3. How to collect homework/papers
4. Controlling unnecessary movement in my classroom
5. Managing Transitions 
6.  Dealing with bathroom and students trying to leave class

You can have this calm and organized classroom, too! 
If you would like to see step by step how I did this click here!
{Includes printables and ideas you can use today!}

Happy Teaching, 

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