Me: "What is the extended metaphor in Road Not Taken?"
Class: Silence
Me: "Anyone?"Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
So, as all best made plans are created, I came up with something on the way to school.
My original plan consisted of reading Still I Rise independently, annotating, and then having a seminar. We have done several seminars with poetry, but I'm finding that the same students are talking.
I love seminars, but I just couldn't do another one today. I needed something different.
I decided to come up with a poeTRY challenge!
How I rolled it out...
1. I put the students in partners
2. The students read and annotated the poem together
3. When they finished, they grabbed a computer and logged into Google Classroom and took a short 10 question Quiz Bowl challenge (basically it was just multiple choice questions about the poem...I just called it a Quiz Bowl. Instant fun).
4. After they finished, the scores were immediately released. They put the scores on a little grid I created on my Smart Board.
5. The highest scores won a little prize.
The best thing was watching them read and talk about the meaning of the poem! They were intent on understanding so they could win.
Happy Teaching,
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