I, of course, look around all concerned like someone took it off the wall while I wasn't looking. "Oh well. I guess it's gone," I say in my most fake shocked voice and keep on teaching.
I rock it Las Vagas casino style...there is NO CLOCK in my classroom. Gasp!
How do I know what time it is? How long to spend on a mini lesson, etc?
My class lives and dies by my trusty little timer.
You'll hear me say, "You have one minute to clean up." And I set the timer. Or, "Based on what you just read, you have 12 minutes to write the paragraph over from the best friend's perspective. Go!" And I set the timer.
I have the students trained that when the timer goes off, they are to be in their seat with their fist up in the air {our we're ready to for your instructions sign} and quiet.
I still get the groan of, "What time is it Mrs. Kepley?" Gotta love those students. "It's language arts time, buddy!"
No clock = no kids staring at a clock counting down the minutes until the bell rings = Awesome!
Here is a great little timer like I have {I have linked it so you just have click the image!}
Happy teaching,
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